Our Leather Story
Postal is a brand of leather products such as suitcases, bags, wallets, belts, among others, of the best quality made by hand.
The name represents time travel, design and its importance in the history of the leather. It is a unique, original brand from its designs on each product and model to its packaging and shopping experience. POSTAL, it’s not just a brand of leather accessories, it proposes a lifestyle.
His archetype is a wise explorer who takes the road without tracing a definite route, always open to novelties and adventures. He has a deep desire to discover and rediscover himself. Intelligence and the ability to analyze are for him the way to understand the world and himself.
The design of the brand is based on the archetype described above; a postcard is an element directly related to the experience of a trip and an adventurer, whose intention is to tell his story through a postal letter, likewise, POSTAL " our leather story ", intends to do it through its products.