energy in motion
TARA .- (from Sanskrit "savior" and "protector") She is a female deity of Buddhism, she is also known as the "mother of the Buddhas", goddess of compassion and detachment, soul healing and relief of bad karma through meditation.
It is the source of love and compassion, the feminine aspect of the universe, it is known as the star of Buddhism that fuels life on earth.
Tara is a studio that was born to create a space and a community of women who seek empowerment and liberation and find the ideal place to connect mind, body and spirit through conscious movement and a balance between exercise techniques and meditation.
The technique is based on a combination of Flow lift and The Empower Project, both functional, strength and cardio exercise techniques that tone and strengthen the woman's body.
We developed a logo and isotope as a combination and abstraction of ying yang, a concept of Taoism, which represents the duality that describes the two opposite and complementary fundamental forces and the meaning of Tara in Buddhism as a star (constellation) and spiritual guide.
Tara is known as a heavenly deity. This inspired us to choose a neutral color palette with blue accents. We create a strong line of communication based on the brand's DNA: Empowerment, wellness, movement, community, and healing.